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The Brutal Truth About Being a Girl

Haters gonna hate. A phrase that is a double edged sword. On the one hand it says, don't worry about what people think, and on the other it's a constant reminder of the extreme negativity that girls and women face. So what gives? Why do some feel the need to tear each other down to raise themselves up? Being a girlie girl is something I am proud of! I like to take the time to put myself together when I can, I love pretty flowers, clothes, jewelry (duh) and i don't feel like there is a need to apologize for getting excited when I see a fabulous pair of shoes or discover a new moisturiser. That's just me. What I struggle to understand is why does it bother some?

I stumbled across a post by the fabulous Courtney Kerr last week where she was defending herself and other women, the same way I am doing now. In it she made a very valid point. We as women need to empower one another. Whether you are big, small, tall, short, whether you are fashion obsessed or live in sweats, a working mom, a stay at home mom, a career woman or otherwise. We have enough to deal with on the day to day. Wouldn't it be better to be a postive in someone's life?

So maybe instead of talking behind another girl's back, and making fun of WHO SHE IS, we can try to remember that we're all in the same boat. Haters may hate but encouragement can go a long way!!

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