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More Substance...In Memorandum

People in our lives inspire us in different ways. My Grand Daddy, Ralph Kauffman, was the ultimate patriarch. He was the grand pooba, a superior intellect, the great debater, a proud man. His convictions were firm and he challenged you to justify your own. He was the kind of man that screamed greatness without apologies.

Sometimes, we let life get in the way of all the things we want to do and say. I am here to tell you to never hold back. We take so much for granted in this modern day world. The things we deem as crucial are mere pieces, trinkets, of the grand plan.

Make your life bigger than yourself. Dream, persevere, and never give up.

If I can be a fraction of the person my Grand Daddy was, I will be able to hold my head high and know I did the best that I could. Every day is a blessing.

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